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Tales of a 25-Year Old Virgin

You thought that was just the title of a funny Steve Carrell movie, right? The age is a little off, but these days, the shock and bewilderment that flashes across someone's face when I tell them about my sexual history at 25, or rather lack thereof, is just as shocking as 40. But unlike the movie, my dating history isn't the result of a lack of game (or at least, that's what I tell myself) but is instead a choice I've made. At this point, you might be asking why the heck I would choose to wait. "You're in your prime!!" "How else can you know if you can really be with someone?" "It's not really that big of a deal!" "Do you really want to be with only one person in your life?" And while these comments and questions do pluck at my subconscious from time to time, I'm set on waiting until after I walk down the aisle and promise myself to one man to get into it, if you know what I mean.

So now you might be asking why. It's simply this: faith. As a Christian, I believe that God designed sex to be enjoyed in the context of a committed relationship -- one that includes rings on the fingers of both parties. (In case you're curious, engagement doesn't cut it.) Now sex can be a lot of things, and goodness knows it's been twisted into many other things, but ultimately, I believe that God created it to draw a husband and wife closer together and give them a beautiful way to celebrate each other and build intimacy with one another. I also believe he created us to give ourselves away to someone else so completely and vulnerably only once, both in order to protect our hearts and to honor each other.

At this point, I'm betting that most of you reading this are either thinking this is ludicrous, are becoming offended or are genuinely curious how the heck this will play out in the world of modern dating. I implore you to sit tight as I delve into my life and open my heart to you, my readers. I'll take you on a ride through the moments of frustration, impatience, confusion, loneliness, happiness and utter madness that is being a single, ambitious, Christian woman trying to date in a city in 2017. It'll kinda be like Sex in the City, but you know, without the sex.

Honestly yours,


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