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Who is Kelsey? 

Looks like you've stumbled upon my thoughts. If you haven't noticed, it's a (slightly) random assortment of thoughts and ideas on different subjects. But hang with me ...


Throughout my life, I've formed a habit trying to squeeze the most out of any situation, and this applies to many areas of my life. In recent years, I've realized I have unique perspectives in three different areas: social media, DIY and dating. 


Social Media

This one's all about my job. Like most who have careers in social media, I sort of happened my way into it and quickly fell in love. I'll share my insights on how to make the most of your social media presence -- no matter what you're trying to accomplish. 



No joke, almost everything in my home was somehow built, crafted or tweaked to be something greater. DIY and upcycling have proven to be one of best creative outlets and people seem to enjoy what I create, so I'll share my tricks!



This one will get real personal. As I've settled in to my adult-life post-college, I've found myself in the miry waters of dating. What's more, dating as a Christian woman in a big city, especially online, has provided its own set of challenges. It's kind of like Sex in the City, but without the sex. 


Anything else you'd like to know about me, just ask! Happy reading!


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